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Ciclo de Conferências sobre Amamentação

Ciclo de Conferências sobre Amamentação

Com a participação do pediatra canadiano e consultor internacional de lactação Dr. Jack Newman, vai realizar-se no mês de setembro de 2014 um ciclo de conferências sobre Amamentação.

As conferências realizar-se-ão em Beja (Instituto Politécnico de Beja - dia 17), Lisboa (Maternidade Alfredo da Costa e Hospital Fernando da Fonseca - dia 18), e Braga (Universidade do Minho - dia 19).

Os temas a abordar serão os seguintes:

1. What they didn't teach you about breastfeeding in your training.  Observation of video clips and discussion of what they mean.  Good for grand rounds for physicians or for those who cannot make it for a full morning or day.    Essential for any conference.  I think that every conference should start with this topic.

2. Norms for the Breastfeeding Baby (also called Numbers on Demand).  Deals with weight gain, stools, urine output, jaundice and hypoglycemia (a topic on its own) and other issues.  An essential talk, as we need to move away from imposing numbers on breastfeeding.  It is divided into three parts:
i) The folly of depending on numbers (“feed every three hours”, “10% weight loss”, “20 minutes on each side”, the use and misuse of growth charts; etc.).  .
ii) Norms for the first few days. 
iii) Norms after the first few days.

3. The first hours. Birthing practices + breastfeeding (or not) in the first hours + hypoglicemia

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