Policy Briefs
EU-JAMRAI has published 8 policy briefs to support advocacy efforts and ensure that the recommendations of the Joint Action contribute to turning Europe into a best practice region in the reduction of AMR and Healthcare-Associated Infections.
The need for a reinforced AMR One Health Network
- This brief calls for the extension and strengthening of the AMR One Health Network mandate, to address all the components of this trans-sectoral and integrated approach and obtain a full impact of the EU action plan. Read here.
The need to develop core elements at the European level on AMS and IPC
- This policy brief invites the Member States and the European Commission to mandate the relevant EU Agencies to develop core elements on Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) and Infection Prevention and Control (IPC). Read here.
The need to develop indicators and targets for AMR Action Plans in the EU
- A policy brief that urges the European Commission to establish indicators and targets to monitor the progress of the EU Action Plans, with a One Health perspective. Read here.
Appropriate use of antibiotics in a One Health perspective
- This brief advocates for the importance of a holistic approach including targeted implementation strategies and time-appropriate surveillance in human and animal health. Read here.
European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance network in Veterinary medicine (EARS-Vet)
- A policy brief that advocates for the creation of EARS-Vet to build a European coordinated surveillance system of AMR in diseased animals. Read here.
The urgent need to foster research on Infection Prevention and Control to improve health security
- This document lists the IPC research priorities identified by EU-JAMRAI and highlights the critical importance of financing them in order to strengthen infection prevention and control. Read here.
Incentivizing antibiotic access and innovation
- Developed in collaboration with Global AMR R&D Hub, this policy brief gathers the results of in-depth interviews with 13 countries pointing to a clear need for specific and detailed incentives. Read here.
Understanding the use of evidence in health policymaking
Case study: antibiotic prescribing guidelines
- A policy brief that, using the concrete case of antibiotic prescribing guidelines, proposes a framework to facilitate the translation of evidence into health policies. Read here.