Direção-Geral da Saúde


EU-JAMRAI results: 

Strengthening networks and exchanging best practices



EU-JAMRAI results: 

Raising awareness and promoting behaviour change



EU-JAMRAI results: Stewardship

Fostering synergies among EU Member States, EU-JAMRAI has proposed concrete actions to strengthen the implementation of efficient and evidence-based One Heal...


EU-JAMRAI results: Infection prevention and control

Fostering synergies among EU Member States, EU-JAMRAI has proposed concrete actions to strengthen the implementation of efficient and evidence-based One Heal...


EU-JAMRAI results: Research and innovation

Fostering synergies among EU Member States, EU-JAMRAI has proposed concrete actions to strengthen the implementation of efficient and evidence-based One Heal...


EU-JAMRAI "We are handing over the beginning in the fight against AMR"

EU-JAMRAI’s legacy is a new beginning in the fight against antimicrobial resistance. We delivered concrete measures with demonstrated potential to tackle thi...


EU-JAMRAI global results

Fostering synergies among EU Member States, EU-JAMRAI has proposed concrete actions to strengthen the implementation of efficient and evidence-based One Heal...